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I want to create a separate partition for my Crate Pro 6 database. Is there a suggested partition size?

I want to create a separate partition for my Crate Pro 6 database. Is there a suggested partition size? 

Best Answer

This answer applies to Crate Pro 5 and Crate Pro 6 up to Build 3046.

An average partition size for Crate Pro 6 would be between 3-5 Gb. However if the users will be saving graphics files or attachment other files to Designs or Projects you'll need to account for that based on the expected number and size of the additional files.

Within Crate Pro, when you add an attachment or image, you have the option to "Store Only A Reference to The File". By selecting this option, only a link will be created to the folder or location the attachment is stored, which could be outside of Crate Pro's database partition. This will help you manage the partition size requirements.

If you select to save your attachments and images outside of Crate Pro by selecting to 'store only a reference to your file', that reference will point to the folder and file name where you place the file at that time. If you move your Crate Pro database or move one or all referenced attachments, Crate Pro won't know where to find them and that link will be broken.

Graphic and other files are considerably larger than plain text so inserting a graphic file or other attachment directly in a Crate Pro field will make the Crate Pro database much larger over time. Crate Pro will copy that attachment or image if you do not select to 'store only a reference to your file' and save it within your Crate Pro folder.  If so, after a few years of database growth, your partition may need to be up to 100 Gb. Also, if the attachment is moved then it will no longer be associated that design or Project within Crate Pro

Caution!! Adding attachment directly to your database instead of selecting 'Store Only A Reference to The File' will slow down your database.

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This answer applies to Crate Pro 5 and Crate Pro 6 up to Build 3046.

An average partition size for Crate Pro 6 would be between 3-5 Gb. However if the users will be saving graphics files or attachment other files to Designs or Projects you'll need to account for that based on the expected number and size of the additional files.

Within Crate Pro, when you add an attachment or image, you have the option to "Store Only A Reference to The File". By selecting this option, only a link will be created to the folder or location the attachment is stored, which could be outside of Crate Pro's database partition. This will help you manage the partition size requirements.

If you select to save your attachments and images outside of Crate Pro by selecting to 'store only a reference to your file', that reference will point to the folder and file name where you place the file at that time. If you move your Crate Pro database or move one or all referenced attachments, Crate Pro won't know where to find them and that link will be broken.

Graphic and other files are considerably larger than plain text so inserting a graphic file or other attachment directly in a Crate Pro field will make the Crate Pro database much larger over time. Crate Pro will copy that attachment or image if you do not select to 'store only a reference to your file' and save it within your Crate Pro folder.  If so, after a few years of database growth, your partition may need to be up to 100 Gb. Also, if the attachment is moved then it will no longer be associated that design or Project within Crate Pro

Caution!! Adding attachment directly to your database instead of selecting 'Store Only A Reference to The File' will slow down your database.

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